These are all the events where one or more members of our team will be present. Most of the times, for the moment, only as guest.
We expect Q1 2020 to also be present with our demenostrator for al our relations to testdrive.
Upcoming events:
- DMEXCO 2019 / OMClub party, Cologne Germany, 11th of September, 2019,
- Venture Cafe Rotterdam, (almost) every Thursday, on the CIC.
- Climate Demonstration, September 27, 2019 Den Haag, Holland..
- Athlon E-mobility congress 2019, October 4, 2019, Fort Voordorp Groenekan, Holland.
- Zero Emission – Ecomobiel, October 8/9/10, 2019, Brabanthallen, Denbosch, Holland.
- CES Unvieled, Beurs van Berlage Amsterdam, October 17, 2019.
- Web summit 2019, November 4-7, 2019, Altice Arena&Fil, Lisbon